
Guide to earn
In recent days, mobile sites have become most popular due to the fall in prices of mobiles. Now all branded mobiles which support gprs, wi-fi, edge, java, symbian, windows, android comes with affordable prices. So peoples shifted their focus to mobiles. And it is the right time to create a mobile site. Making money from internet always being a nutshell. For a beginners earning from wap or mobile sites have became difficult. And we people started this demo site to encourage newbies who wish to earn from their own mobile.
Here is a narrow steps to be followed. Never hesitate or skip any steps. If you already own a wap site make sure that you have applied all the belowed strategies.
Step one
Select your free wap host
As we are talking about free wap sites, i dont want To mention about any paid mobile site builder. But still you have to get knowledge about the benefits of paid wap hosting. But dont worry, we yet have a bright chances to earn money and we can invest that money to yield more.
Well, first step is you have a select a good wap site builder. In my experience XtGem is the best wap site builder. And it has lot of advantages.
1. Google friendly.
2. Visible in both mobile and web search
3. Able to add wml, html, java scripts.
4. Supports domain parking
5. Easy to use and unlimited bandwidth
Of course, you can find more free mobile site builders like WapZan , WapKa , PepeRonity . But they all have their own defects. Wapka is a good builder but still fails to visible in web search in Google. Otherwise it has good features. Like wise wapzan is also a good builder which much seems to be similar to xtgem. so i highly recommend to choose XtGem as you first step.

Step two
Pick Your Niche
Content is what money. Generally wap sites are sharing sources, information, services. So if you provide good content, obviously your visitors will give you more visits. And this is platform where newbies fail. You might probably heard about the phrase 'content is king'. But no one reveal what is exactly mean by good and quality content. And now i tell you a secret. Noting is said to be worthless content. For every content there is a particular people. So always dont focus on good quality content. Instead search for hot content. I mean the stuffs that is commonly searched by all sort of people. It May be media download stuffs, info about hot stuffs, tutorials... Then focus on your niche.
The most important thing you should note is, always pick your niche very particular about. In recent days more wap sites started to evolve. But most common mistake they are doing is, they are general in their content. I mean now most probably every free mobile sites have these menu, mp3 download, Wapmaster zone.. When all the mobiles sites having these similar stuffs, visitors get bored. They need some thing different. If you are building a site that provides download stuffs, you May still focus on particular download. I mean a site specifically for downloading pop songs. There is a lot of people who like pop songs and they search specifically the key word of 'pop songs download'. When you focus like this you can add more features to your site. Finally, you should remember one thing. Find hot topics and chose one which fits to your niche.

Step three
Logo And Favicon
Never underestimate about logo and favicon ever. both have their own highlights. They give a professional look to your site. so always pick a nice logo to your site. I will recommend about two sites to create a free logo. Both are very nice sites. One is CoolText .It has a tonnes of various fonts. And you can have a very nice free logo to your site. Another best site is LogoEase . It has only few fonts but give you a good professional logo with many designs.
For favicon, you can convert any your favorite image to icon or else you can create one for free at Favicon Generator to create a nice one. Always pick a mild colours. So that visitors not to get irritated with the colour mixture.

Step four
Title Of Your Site
Hope you have planned about your niche and logo. Now its turn to choose your site name. You should take some research in this step. Think you as a seeker and find which keywords would you use to search your stuffs. Most importantly, dont choose fancy, and irrelevant title.
Step five
Regular Update
Updating your content is a healthy one to improve your site statics. And thats what yours visitors and Google love. Your site should be updated atleast for every ten days. This is also one of the seo techniques. Later in following stanzas i will tell you more about seo techniques. Hence make updating your site as a hobby.
Step six
Appearance Of Your Site
Appearance is more important to a mobile site. As it attracts the visitor and makes them to stay in your page for long time. So create your cascading style sheet(css) simple and effective. you May also take a reference of another site which looks great, by source code viewer.
The reason i put this step to sixth place is, most newbie gives preference to their sites look instead of content. And that is not good. Templates and style sheets are just to make your site's appearance something fresh. So always do this step after your finished the content.
Step seven
Add Services
Now your site is ready to launch. Get ready to promote your mobile site. But before this step, you have to add some services to your site. As you are a beginners in this internet world, you need some interaction section with your visitors. So add guestbook, poll, feedback form, ao contact form. This will help to know about your site from your visitors.
Step eight
Park Your Domain
If you create your mobile site in free hosting sites, they provide you the site address like www.yourname.theirname.com. This type of urls are not listed in search engines. and very importantly the affiliates never prefer your site. Most prestigious ad network Google mobile adsense never allow secondary domains. So you have to buy your desired domain. For a best service i will recommend GoDaddy . Actually domains are now comes with affordable prices. So its highly recommend to buy a domain. It gives a commercial look to your site. But still if your not convinced, you have a free domains like www.Yourname.in , www.yourname.co.cc , www.yourname.co.nr . they are all Google friendly domains. Remember a tip, you have to park the domain not to redirect. As Google will not your site if you redirect your site.
Step nine
Promote Your Site
Now you have arrived at a serious platform. It is the very important step to follow. Generally promoting is a tricky thing to achieve. When you think your site is worth to visit then you are almost ready to promote. The more you promote more will be tin visitors. Meanwhile your traffic will increase. so right now you have to do a smart work here. And need a patience. You cannot make your site popular unless you promote in a right way. Here is a few ways to promote your site. All methods are highly effective. So as much as possible do all the ways.

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