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dot tk tutorial

Dot tk is one of the top level domain registry. The special about this registry is it offers .tk domain for free of cost. Nowadays there were many free hosting services are evolved and so everyone started to run their own wap/web site.
As dot tk became a most popular free domain, the users are increasing every day.If you are using free wap hosting services like xtgem, wapka, wapzan and others, you dont need to worry about your secondary domain name. Now you can change your domain from YOURNAME.HOSTNAME.COM to www.Yourname.tk. For people who are new to this subject can make use of this tutorial.
Follow the instructions given below.
Step 1
Go to dot.tk and check your desired domain name is available.
Step 2
If your desired name is avail, then you will be asked paid or free domain. Choose paid and proceed.
Step 3
Furthermore, you will be asked to fill general procedures like email address and captcha verification. on the next page it asks whether you want to park the domain or to re direct. Redirect is a simple procedure, you just want to feed your web or wap address. Thats it. Whenever you click the dot tk address of yours, you will be re directed to the pre defined address that you had given.
But the disadvantages in this is, your site will be shown with their favicon. And your site will not be indexed in top position of the Google search engine.
Step 4
But if you want to park your domain on your site, then choose OWN DNS DOMAIN option. Which does not show their fauicon and gains good position in search engine results.
Step 5
On the next page it asks you the ip address. If you are using xtgem, its address is ns1.xtgem.com and ns2.xtgem.com for other you can refer those hosting services.
Step 6
Next page you will see a message as setting successfully saved. Thats all you have to do with dot tk site. Inbetween you have to register your name with password.
Step 7
Now get in to your hosting site. For xtgem log in and go to settings. There you will find domain parking option. Click and go to next page. Now put your new yourname.tk address in the bar. Thats all. Now you have parked your new domain successfully.
Step 8
For parking a new domain it takes one or two days to fix it. So dont get confused immediately after parking. Check back after 40 hours by putting your new address in the address bar.

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