Promoting a site neither a easy task nor a hard job. It is a strategy. The way you understand the logics of the site. Making a visibility of the site in wide area is directly equals to the vast traffic to your site. So advertising your site is a healthy promotion of your site statistics.
Creating a mobile site for free of cost and parking domains like .in for free too, but for why the advertisements should cost us? right, here some of the sites are listed where you can publish and advertise your site without spending a dime. Good luck.
ADWAPSAdwaps is rapidly emerging company where you will be given 50 points initially. For every click to your site a point decreases and a single point raises for a out going click from your site. It offers php and Html coding. you can also make use of their referral program.
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ADZMOBAdzmob is another site which act as a traffic exchanger for the webmasters. You can advertise your site for free of cost but before you should earn 10 points by publishing the adzwap advertisements. It offers php, Php curl, html codes. It also supports referral program.
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ADSALVOAdsalvo is a widely known advertiser and your can publish your site free after earning points from publish the adsalvo advertisements. It offers both php and html codes. Plus you can also earn bonus money from referral program.
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MOBDAYIt is a free advertisements and publisher system of wap site. You can advertise your site by link and banner exchange. It counted the clicks in terms of credits. It offers about 0.5 credits for the affiliation programs.
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AD4FUNAd4fun offers 1.5 points for publishers and 1 point for advertising. It is a upcoming network. It also supports referral program.
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