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Optimize your site

SEO is a nothing than doing simple alterations in your site to make it search engine friendly. Of course, seo is an essential thing you must do, and the same time it is not a great deal to do. To know more, read What is seo? Here's is a few ways to optimize your site.
Remember, seo is a simple techniques often applied for the sake of your site's visibility. So seo is for content. Not content for seo. hence, first make sure these things before optimizing.
Your title should reflect your niche.. So choose the name relevant to your content.
Keywords are nothing but the words often used to search by the seekers. So think as a searchers and use those keywords. Meanwhile it should be relevant.
As you heard anywhere in the internet, content the king. Its not an essential for your content to be a quality stuff. But it should be a hot content. Means that it should speak the latest, upcoming affairs. And like photoshop and some tutorials.
Inbound link
Connect with sites that are relevant to yours niche. The more incoming links are good for site.
Update your site regularly to make your visitors active.
If you done all the above things, you are now ready to optimize. Here's is a few effective ways you should do.
Title tag
Ensure that you inserted your keyword in title tag.
Meta description tag
Meta tag is a snippet of html code used to describe about your site. So always use affective keyword in the description.
Heading tag
Use heading tag to describe your content. It look like <h1>heading</h1>.
Site map is nothing but a page that contains the list of all pages in your site. You can get it from Xml sitemap . Once you generated your sitemap, submit it to search engines like Google, yahoo and bing. Sitemap is used to index all your pages in search engine results.
Url structure
Dont use a complicate symbols in your url. Avoid "?", "#","&","€","%", symbols. Its always recommend to use "-"
Text links
Search bots will suffer to crawl the links suppressed in images. So as much as possible use direct text links.
Alt tag
Search engine spiders cant able to read your images. So use alt tag in image to represent its property. It will help to index your image in results page.
Avoid flash content
Search engines cant crawl the flash content. So minimize it, if you are using already.
Avoid Black hat seo
Black hat seo is the illegal techniques used to index your page in search engine results page. It includes keyword stuffing, link hiding, similar gateway pages. So avoid using those techniques, as they May lead to ban your site permanently.

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